
Sketchbook roundup 2016

Welp, it’s been a little while. I’m sorry, don’t really have much to say but 2016 was a busy-big year for me both emotionally and physically. It took a lot of time away from posting on blogs that no one really looks at anyway. Some really fun things happened! I funded a little mini-sketchbook on kickstarter which was a little mini-surprise-success. I also painted a mural for the first time. So lot’s of firsts. I’m going to do a longer post on creating the book, which might be interesting to some looking to venture into the crowd funding zone. But for now I’ll leave you with images for your noodle.

Tea time!

These guys are located on the corner of East Hastings and Hawks, in the alleyway behind the Astoria Hotel:

[envira-gallery id=”238″]


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